We like to trigger a change in the awareness of young designers in terms of Circularity, with specific focus on circular bio-based resources and processes.
practical actions
Don't hesitate to contact us.

In this lab, front end DIY and GIY (grow it yourself) materials can be experimented by students, both for research and prototyping purposes. This Lab is unique in its scope, ‘normalising’ the bio-materials coming from local waste streams and processes to all the traditional ones present in the atelier (metal, wood, plastics, etc.).
Creation of a BioFabLab in our atelier at UGent Campus Kortrijk

These materials can substitute the ones adopted nowadays in the UGent Campus Kortrijk by making them available in the local shop, providing samples to the students, providing technical information to students within specific courses.
Implementation of existing bio-based alternatives that are created in Flanders and surroundings.

These contents and events span from the first to the last year of the UGent Design Engineering education, and aim at creating a new generation of designers, which in few years have the potential of having a positive impact in the ecosystem of production companies in Flanders.
Creation of educational contents and events to be shared with the students and broader audiences

Contact us
Gent Campus Kortrijk
Marksesteenweg 58, 8500 Kortrijk