Knotplex applications
Teammembers: Jarne Fiers, Stef Mathys, Rosan Pille
"Knotplex is een exploratie naar het verwerken van Japanse Duizendknoop tot bronmateriaal. Japanse Duizendknoop is een invasieve plant die in heel Europa woekert. De plant beschadigt talrijke infrastructuren en verdringt elke andere plant in zijn omgeving. Omdat het uiterst moeilijk is om de plant te verwijderen, keert hij elk jaar terug. Wanneer we dit omdenken, kent deze afvalstroom dus heel veel potentieel. Door de gedroogde plant te malen en met caseïne (melkeiwit) te mengen, kan je de materie persen tot een vezelplaat. Hierop kan je klassieke hout- en laserbewerkingen toepassen. Nu het productieprocede gekend is, kijken we verder naar mogelijkse opschalingen. Hiervoor gaan we de samenwerking aan met sociale partners en lokale makers over heel Vlaanderen". Specifically:
Not available in the IDC
To make Knotplex plates, you just need to follow the video above step by step! They can be made in different sizes and with different thicknesses and are easy to saw, drill and sand. You'll need a sturdy mold and a heavy press, since the large plates will need up to 10 tons to craft a strong result.Â
Drying can take 1-2 weeks, depending on the size. Be careful to find a good balance between clamping the mold down and letting it dry in fresh air, to prevent both curling up and moulding.
Available in the IDC
These shapes can take any form you want. If you create a custom male/female mold with a smooth inside, you can fill it with knotweed residue and use some strong clamps to press the mold together. These shapes are mostly a finished product and don't need much post-processing, which is why they are perfect for use in the IDC. Some light sawing and sanding with non-electrical tools suffice when finishing this product.
Drying usually takes 3-5 days for small shapes. Be careful to remove the Knotplex from the mold when it's somewhat dry, so it doesn't mould because of a lack of fresh air.
Do you have questions?
Post your question on the Project Sharing Forum! We will try to reach back as soon as possible.
For urgent questions, you can send us an e-mail at:
This project was in function of Timelab, a cultural organisation in Ghent, and the UGent Campus Kortrijk.
Timelab Ghent
Kogelstraat 34
9000 Gent, België

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